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Everyone remembers getting their first tattoo: The anxiety of not knowing what it feels like, the excitiment of choosing your design - hearing the buzz of the tattoo machines echo through the shop until the artist calls out your name and it's your turn. Once you have your ink, it's yours for life. You

Maybe you inked yourself with a Chinese symbol in high school and have just now figured out it actually doesn't translate to "love". Maybe you've made the mistake of getting your ex'es name on your wrist. Or perhaps those crooked lines have made you realize that shopping around for the cheapest price wasn't the smartest idea for something that's permanent.  So what do you do when you've fallen

Tattoo Removal Montreal Treatment - Tattoo Removal Montreal Airports Near

Working from separate facilities a few doors apart in LaSalle, Robin Labreche and Maryam Majdi have the tattoo market covered. Robin is an international award wining tattoo artist with 15 years of experience and almost 50 awards to show for it. Maryam has a PhD in Pharmacology and Therapeutics from McGill, and was doing stem cell research in San Diego before moving to Montreal. Together, they own their tattoo studio, Dahlia Tattoos, and their laser clinic, Azalea. 

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This power couple, who are also engaged, want to educate Montrealers on how to make an informed decision when it comes to tattoos and tattoo removal. They approach the industry differently than most other technicians: Their main goal is to educate you. And needless to say, they know what they're talking about.

What's different about them? Well, apparently the tattoo removal business can be riddled with misinformation. Some technicians might make false promises to lead you in, and then if you don't get the results you were promised, they might blame it on you. These two take a different approach. Other than making education about the industry and procedures their main goal, they also guarantee what they quote you.

The fact that Robin is a tattoo artist also gives them an advantage over some other places that do laser removal, as a lot of people come to them to get their tattoos dulled down so they can get a cover up. The advantage of lightening your existing tattoo gives you many more options for a cover up that'll work and that you love - and Robin's often involved in consulting to give advice on what part of the tattoo, and exactly how much of it, needs to be worked on. 

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Thinking of getting your tat erased? Azalea is the place to do it. They're the first and only tattoo removal clinic in Quebec to own the Quanta Q Plus C laser system - the safest and most effective tattoo removal laser in the world.

It's also the only one approved by Health Canada and the FDA. It's a medical laser so it can remove any pigment tht's darker than your skin (tattoos, beauty marks, freckles, etc...). But before you turn your nose up at it because of how expensive you

Dr. Majdi and Robin say that while they do have the best technology,  they're extremely competitive when it comes to price. Plus, their machine is so effective that you'll ned significantly fewer sessions than anywhere else, which means less money overall. The couple, who have been featured on Breakfast Television and other local media, are honest and truly care about their results. 

Tattoo Removal In Quebec, Montreal, Canada

They've even turned away people who are too tanned because of the risk of something called hyper or hypo-pigmentation, which is the result of an increase or reduction in melanin production. They refuse to compromise their ethics for revenue.

So if you're unhappy with your ink and want to have it removed or covered up, or you just want some good, honest information about a decision whose results are permanent, Dr. Majdi and Robin are your people!

Visit their laser removal clinic at 7567 Boulevard Newman in LaSalle, Quebec or check out their website and Facebook page for more info.

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Jennifer Browne is a Sponsored Content Contributing Writer for the Studio department focused on sponsored content and is based in Vancouver, Canada.Our powerful Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser is the perfect platform to help you remove tattoos of all colors, depths and ink types. Treatment is fast and effective, with reproducible results on all skin tones. It is the most effective laser treatment to help you get rid of unwanted tattoos. It is designed to break down the ink particles in the tattoo allowing them to be naturally absorbed by the body. With our treatments you can expect minimal discomfort and fast recovery times.

During the Q Switched treatment, the energy is rapidly absorbed by the target chromophores – the tattoo ink – and causes a mechanical photo-acoustic effect. As a result, the the pigment is disintegrated causing the tattoo to fade, without damaging surrounding tissue or the epidermal layer. The body’s natural lymphatic and blood mechanisms then clear the released ink particles.

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In general, we recommend aminimum of 6 treatments, 6-8 weeks apart. In severe conditions, more treatments may be needed but this can be discussed with your specialist.

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Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for at least 4-8 weeks, prior and/or between Laser treatments (dependant on skin type).

Avoid Microdermabrasion's or peels for two weeks prior to treatment (notify treating practitioner if these kinds of treatments have been performed within 3 weeks prior to treatment).

Avoid: touching, rubbing, scratching, picking, or any friction in the treatment area as this may result in hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, infection or other undesired effects such as scarring.

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Avoid any exposure to sun or artificial tanning for a minimum of 2 weeks post treatment. SPF of at least 30 should be applied, and reapplied every two hours as necessary.

Swimming pool, or any form of soaking are not recommended until all blistering and scabbing are completely healed, as they may increase the risk of infection.

Tattoo Removal In Quebec, Montreal, Canada - Tattoo Removal Montreal Airports Near

Tattoo removal can be uncomfortable and painful but luckily for you, we apply anesthetic numbing cream! The degree of pain depends on various factors, including the size and location of the tattoo. Some people report only mild discomfort, while others experience more intense sensations.Get safe laser tattoo removal treatment in Montreal in fewer sessions with the state-of-the-art CUTERA Enlighten technology. View before and after photos and pricing!

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The CUTERA Enlighten is the most advanced laser tattoo removal technology available in Montreal. The laser breaks up tattoo ink particles just below the skin using targeted ultra-short pulses of energy. Then, by the natural process of detoxification, the body eliminates tattoo ink debris. Watch the video below to learn how it works.

X-Small: Remove tattoos 0-3 inches. Small: Remove tattoos 4-8 inches. Large: Remove tattoos 16-20 inches. X-Large: Remove tattoos 20+ inches (sleeve, back). Medium: Remove tattoos 9-15 inches.

The CUTERA Enlighten® can be used to remove or fade tattoos on any part of the body including the face, fingers, toes, neck, back, abdomen, legs, and arms. The powerfully versatile pico technology can be used to target different layers of dermal tissue with different intensities.

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Since laser tattoo removal relies on your immune system to dispose of broken-down ink particles, the effectiveness of the removal is somewhat determined by the location of the tattoo. Places in the body with the most circulation will more effectively wash away the pigmentation, while areas with low circulation (like the fingers and toes) are typically harder to treat and thus may require more sessions. Detoxing is more efficient when you are healthy and active, so being in good physical condition will make the tattoo ink fade faster and more effectively.

The CUTERA Enlighten laser can also be used for skin revitalization, acne scars removal, treatment of benign pigmented lesions, and improve overall skin quality. Through the use of PICO Genesis FX technology, CUTERA Enlighten is also great to remove many skin issues such as melasma, acne scars, aging skin, and textural concerns. This technology uses very short pulses of light (picoseconds) to create photoacoustic waves that stimulate pigment removal and skin repair without burning the skin. The procedure takes only a few minutes to perform and does not cause pain.

Nuyu Tattoo Removal In Montreal - Tattoo Removal Montreal Airports Near

At our aesthetic medical spa in Montreal, our trained physicians and practitioners can use a variety of techniques to restore, enhance, and maintain your aesthetics in many areas of the body. Schedule a free consultation to find out how we can help you achieve your ideal skin and body!

Tattoo Removal Laser Treatment In Our Clinic

Note: Price may vary for tattoos larger than 3 inches. Send us a picture of your tattoo to receive a free estimate.

Although every case is different, it is common to get multiple sessions to obtain the best results. Cases vary depending on the size of the tattoo, age, ink colors, the body location, the depth of the pigments, skin type, and each patient’s body’s natural ability to eliminate the pigment.

Although not pain-free, the CUTERA Enlighten® laser tattoo removal is considerably less painful than getting a tattoo in the first place. This ultra-fast pulse feels very similar to a rubber band snap.

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Yes, tattoos can be lightened or faded in preparation for a cover-up tattoo. We strongly advise our patients to wait six to eight weeks after their last laser treatment before getting a new tattoo.


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